斜洛朗级数环的软件包 和 FriCAS

这几天都在忙着写 ORESUS 软件包的一些例子。总算要实现我 4 年(甚至更早以前)的愿望了!那时候和ex游完泳等她的时候就在写 ORESUS 的代码。。。 好吧!现在大家...

July 30, 2014 · tt4


先上张代码的图吧!FriCAS 虽然是从 AXIOM 这门古董级语言中 fork 出来的一个分支,目前仍处在活跃开发期,但是很多功能仍然缺失,尤其是:调试的功能基!...

July 26, 2014 · tt4

最近 Coursera 上几个有意思的课程

课程太多,一下听不过来,不过还是想记录一下: 算法分析与设计(I) https://www.coursera.org/course/algo 来自:Stanford Univ 概述 _In this course you will learn several fundamental principles of algorithm design. You’ll learn the divide-and-conquer design paradigm, with applications to fast sorting,...

May 12, 2014 · tt4

Burgers & Brew, K-theory, A-polynomial and Random Thoughts

Today we went to Burgers & Brew for lunch. Burgers & Brew is a very famous burgers restaurant in Davis. This is by far the greatest burgers I’ve never tried before. The beef inside tastes great! Far more better than the burgers in KFC or McDonald! I felt I had been too full after eating the hamburger! And it’s only $7 or so. more [caption id=“attachment_427” align=“aligncenter” width=“500”] Hamburger (@Burgers & Brew)[/caption]...

December 5, 2012 · tt4

Calculate PDOs using AXIOM / FriCAS

For years, the computation of Lax equations is a tedious and time-consuming task. For example, KdV equation has the following type of Lax equation: ```mathjax L_t = [A, L], ``` where ```mathjax L=\partial^2+u(x,t)```, (A=\partial^3+4u(x,t)\partial+2u_x). Having been a graduate student majoring in integrable systems for years, I always had to work on such kind of computations. It was frustrating. At that time, I was thinking of a way to speed up the computation with the power of computers....

May 3, 2012 · tt4

Fiddle around with Lambert W function

Title: Date: [mathjax] These days I was fiddling around with one particular parameterization for Lambert curve. Although it was not that hard, I was happy that finally I made it clear. The problem is like this: a Lambert curve is a curve given by [C = {(z,w) ; | ; z = w e^w } \subset \mathbb{C}^* \times \mathbb{C}^*.] Note that the above equation defines (w) as an implicit function of (z)....

April 7, 2012 · tt4