W13-S1 The Integral Test and Comparison Tests

周次: 13 日期: May 18, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we develop some convergence tests for the series with non-negative terms. These are the Integral Test and Comparison Tests. Both tests are based on the Monotonic Bounded Theorem for partial sum sequences. Before developing the tests, we will recap the previous section first. I. Recap: § 11.2 Series Basic Problems for Series Primarily,...

May 17, 2022

一道极限问题的证明使用了 Birkhoff 遍历定理?!

一道极限题 最近,在一个微信群里看到几个大佬在讨论一个极限题 $$ \lim_{t\to+\infty}\frac1t \int_0^t |\sin(x)\sin(\sqrt2 x)|dx $$ 感觉挺有意思,于是就多想了一下。 最初的想法当然是洛必达法则,但立刻发现...

September 15, 2020