W16-S2 Applications of Power Series

周次: 16 日期: June 10, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, various applications for Taylor series are demonstrated. And we show how to generate a Fourier series from $f(x)$ in the end of the lecture. § 11.10 Applications of Power Series The Binomial Series for Powers and Roots The Taylor series generates by $f(x) = (1+x)^a$, when $a$ is constant, is called the binomial...

June 10, 2022

W13-S1 The Integral Test and Comparison Tests

周次: 13 日期: May 18, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we develop some convergence tests for the series with non-negative terms. These are the Integral Test and Comparison Tests. Both tests are based on the Monotonic Bounded Theorem for partial sum sequences. Before developing the tests, we will recap the previous section first. I. Recap: § 11.2 Series Basic Problems for Series Primarily,...

May 17, 2022

W7-S2 Numerical Integration

周次: 7 备注: Attendance check 日期: April 8, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, we will take a quick glance at the Numerical Integration methods. Numerical integrations are very useful in practice. The methods we are going to learn are Trapezoidal Method and Simpson’s Method. We will learn how to evaluate an integration numerically,...

April 7, 2022