Book List After Interstellar

昨天看了 LostAbaddon 的星穿影评以及科普,我都想转行去研究相对论和宇宙学了!小时候对关于黑洞、时间的题材异常的着迷。不过,从没有学过一遍义相对论,更别说...

November 25, 2014 · tt4

Fiddle around with Lambert W function

Title: Date: [mathjax] These days I was fiddling around with one particular parameterization for Lambert curve. Although it was not that hard, I was happy that finally I made it clear. The problem is like this: a Lambert curve is a curve given by [C = {(z,w) ; | ; z = w e^w } \subset \mathbb{C}^* \times \mathbb{C}^*.] Note that the above equation defines (w) as an implicit function of (z)....

April 7, 2012 · tt4