W12-S2 Series

周次: 12 日期: May 13, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, we will talk about series, we introduce the sigma notation, and utilize limit to define the sum of a series. Primarily, there are two types of series whose sums can be found directly, by definition. Those are called Geometric Series and Telescoping Series. To study a divergent series, we introduce the $n$th term...

May 12, 2022

W12-S1 Infinite Sequences and Series (II)

周次: 12 备注: Attendance check 日期: May 11, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we continue the discussion of infinite series. We introduce the L’Hôpital’s Rule to the limit finding problems, and conclude this section by an important type of convergent sequences, called bounded monotonic sequences. Then we will talk about series,...

May 10, 2022