W10-S1 Euler’s Method and Graphical Solutions for Autonomous DE

周次: 10 日期: April 27, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we talk briefly on the numerical method for solving an initial value problem for a general first order differential equation. The method is called Euler’s Method, it is the most simplest numerical method for solving a differential equation. Secondly, we will look at how to sketch graphical...

April 26, 2022

Kossel XL 构建记 (23) Show me the box and heatbed

好像又回到了小时候。成天脑子里想的就是如何造出我想要的东西。。。 红黄的配色是参考钢铁侠哈!不过,为了保持整体配色的风格一致,最后打印的时候我...

September 10, 2014 · tt4

Kossel XL 构建记 (22) Mount the power brick, iteration equations

不知不觉又是5天没更了。时间过得真快,基本上 Kossel 的雏形已经搭建出来了,内部走线也已经布置完毕。接下来的问题就是总装了!基本上这两天都在折腾滑轨...

September 2, 2014 · tt4