W16-Extra1 Convergence of Taylor Series; Error Estimates

周次: 16 日期: June 9, 2022 节次: Extra1 In this lecture, we estimate the error of Taylor polynomial to the generating function. The result provides a criteria for the convergence of Taylor series. A lot of common functions can be expanded to Taylor series according to this result. And without the proof, we will see that more common functions can be represented by power...

June 9, 2022

W15-S1 Power Series (II)

周次: 15 日期: June 1, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we will continue the discussions on the power series. A radius of convergence of a power series is emerging from the ratio test for the absolute convergence. We will discuss the basic operations, like differentiation and integrations on a power series, and the multiplication of two power series as well. When a power...

May 31, 2022

W14-S1 The Root Test, Alternating Series, Absolute and Conditional Convergence

周次: 14 日期: May 25, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we continue the discussion on the root test (for the series with non-negative terms). And we discuss alternating series, there’s a test called Leibniz’s or alternating series test. Alternating series converges in a manner that positive and negative terms...

May 24, 2022

W13-S2 The Limit Comparison Test and The Ratio and Root Tests

周次: 13 日期: May 20, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, the Comparison Test is upgraded to the limit case. In addition, two new tests based on the comparison with respect to the geometric series is given. These are called the Ratio Test and the Root Test, respectively. Note that all the tests are designed for a series with non-negative terms. § 11.4 The...

May 19, 2022

W13-S1 The Integral Test and Comparison Tests

周次: 13 日期: May 18, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we develop some convergence tests for the series with non-negative terms. These are the Integral Test and Comparison Tests. Both tests are based on the Monotonic Bounded Theorem for partial sum sequences. Before developing the tests, we will recap the previous section first. I. Recap: § 11.2 Series Basic Problems for Series Primarily,...

May 17, 2022

W8-S2 Improper Integrals and Differential Equations

周次: 8 日期: April 15, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, we discuss the improper integral of type II, as well as the convergence test for improper integral of type I with non-negative integrands. In the section part, we will talk about the simplest differential equations, the geometric visualization of a differential equation with slope fields, and separable equations. Type II Improper Integrals Definition....

April 14, 2022