W5-S2 Integration Techniques

周次: 5 日期: March 25, 2022 节次: 2 In this course, we will discuss the definition of hyperbolic functions. And we shift our attention to several integration techniques. These techniques can help us integrate more functions. A typical technique called “Integration by Parts” will be discussed as well....

March 24, 2022

W5-S1 Transcendental Functions (3) and Integration Techniques

周次: 5 日期: March 23, 2022 节次: 1 In this lecture, we define the inverse trigonometric functions, and develop some basic properties. The properties we are focusing on are the differentiation and integration properties. A brief introduction on hyperbolic functions, in particular the hyperbolic cosine and hyperbolic sine functions are given. As the second half, we discuss some integration techniques. Those techniques could help...

March 22, 2022

W4-S2 Transcendental Functions (2)

周次: 4 备注: Attendance check 日期: March 18, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, we continue on the discussion of logarithmic and exponential functions. The simplest differential equation is discussed, there are a lot of real applications even for such simple equations. And the definitions of growth rates are given in terms of the notation “big-oh...

March 17, 2022

W4-S1 Transcendental Functions

周次: 4 日期: March 16, 2022 节次: 1 In this and next lectures, we will quickly go through the contents in chapter 7. Since a lot of the contents have been taught last semester or have known in high school age. § 7.1 Inverse Functions and Their Derivatives We have learned inverse functions, their domain and range, their graph, etc. In particular, we have...

March 15, 2022

W3-S2 Work, Fluid Pressure and Forces

周次: 3 日期: March 11, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, we’ll give a brief introduction to the concepts of works and fluid pressures. Many examples will be presented. This lecture covers §6.6 and §6.7. Outline Work Work refers specifically to a force acting on a body and the body...

March 11, 2022

W2-S2 Moments and Center of Masses

周次: 2 日期: March 4, 2022 节次: 2 Outline In this lecture, we discuss moments ( 质量矩)and centers of mass. Two concepts are related. In this lecture, we only deal with one- and two-dimensional problems (Essentially all the problems been dealt with are in one-dimension). Basic Principle for Center of Mass and Moment Definition. (Center of Mass) For...

March 4, 2022