W10-S2 Applications of First-Order Differential Equations

周次: 10 日期: April 29, 2022 节次: 2 In today’s lecture, we are going to look at three typical applications of first-order differential equations. Analyzes an object moving along a straight line while subject to a force opposing its motion. A model of population growth which takes into account factors in the environment placing limits on growth. A...

April 28, 2022

W9-S2 Applications, Euler’s Method for Numerical DE Solving

周次: 9 日期: April 22, 2022 节次: 2 In this lecture, we would like to give several examples on solving differential equations. Three examples will be shown. And Euler’s method for numerical solution for the initial value problem of differential equations will also be explored. Solving Linear Equations We solve the equation $$ \dfrac{dy}{dx} + P(x), y =...

April 21, 2022