

April 20, 2019

Cohesion3d 主板使用 TMC2130 以及 Marlin2.0 实现无传感器归零

自从娃出生以来,一直没有时间,今天算是忙里偷闲,开始研究如何在 Cohesion3d-Remix 这块主控板上实现「无传感器归零」(sensorless homing)。所谓无...

April 20, 2019

Marlin2.0 bugfix + Cohesion3D-remix 上使用 TMC2130 驱动

TMC2130 是一款非常有趣的步进电机驱动,最吸引我的地方是"失速检测" (Stall-detection) 功能,以及由此而来的&qu...

March 21, 2019

TCT Asia 观后感 partII

上次我们聊了聊 TCT Asia 上的 Makerbot 新机,这一次,让我们简要的说一说 对本次 TCT Asia 的其它感受。 FDM 技术重新焕发生机 得益于多材料打印技术的发展,去年曾经被光固化...

March 3, 2019

TCT Asia 观后感 part1

每年一度的 TCT Asia 展会又开幕了。和去年一样,今年我又打飞的来了,买了当天往返上海的机票。一出机场便直奔展会(从虹桥机场坐地铁二号线-七号线到花木...

February 23, 2019

Yet Another Multi Nozzle Tool Head Design

At the end of this year, I would like to share my design of a multi-nozzle tool head. You may or may not remember that a year ago I’ve posted some results of dual material 3d printing on my DIY Ultimaker 2 (https:/ I said I used a different approach which has not been implemented (at least I didn’t find) elsewhere.  Well, the nozzle changing idea I came up with was inspired by the multi-lens microscope (where three or four lenses are distributed around an axis, mounted on a plate....

December 12, 2018