Burgers & Brew, K-theory, A-polynomial and Random Thoughts

Today we went to Burgers & Brew for lunch. Burgers & Brew is a very famous burgers restaurant in Davis. This is by far the greatest burgers I’ve never tried before. The beef inside tastes great! Far more better than the burgers in KFC or McDonald! I felt I had been too full after eating the hamburger! And it’s only $7 or so. more [caption id=“attachment_427” align=“aligncenter” width=“500”] Hamburger (@Burgers & Brew)[/caption]...

December 5, 2012 · tt4

U are in my heart

In this Thanksgiving day, I just want to say: Thanks everybody! U are in my heart! :)

November 23, 2012 · tt4

Blender Project (II)

I’m learning to make a coffee cup by using Blender. more Before we start, there is an annoying little thing for beginners: Starting a new file/scene in Blender. Blender seems to load the latest scene back, which is annoying. So I just use File > Load Factory Settings to load the default scene (with single box object in the scene) back. Then unfortunately all your customized setting will be gone. So you need to customize again, and choose File > Save User Settings....

November 7, 2012 · tt4


在 Matrix67.com 的博文中提出了这样一个问题: 为了说明“同痕”这一概念直观上并不容易把握,《The Knot Book》一书中举了一个经典的例子。如下图,左图是一个...

November 4, 2012 · tt4


[mathjax] 几天前,小木虫 上有人提问这样一个问题: 在一个有界闭区间 (例如[0,1]) 上连续的凸函数其不可微点构成的集合是否可能没有内点? 由于连续的凸函...

July 13, 2012 · tt4

Calculate PDOs using AXIOM / FriCAS

For years, the computation of Lax equations is a tedious and time-consuming task. For example, KdV equation has the following type of Lax equation: ```mathjax L_t = [A, L], ``` where ```mathjax L=\partial^2+u(x,t)```, (A=\partial^3+4u(x,t)\partial+2u_x). Having been a graduate student majoring in integrable systems for years, I always had to work on such kind of computations. It was frustrating. At that time, I was thinking of a way to speed up the computation with the power of computers....

May 3, 2012 · tt4