周次: 3 日期: March 9, 2022 节次: 1

A curve sweeps out a surface in the space around is called a surface of revolution. The “area” of this surface depends on the length of the rope and the distance of each of its segments from the axis of revolution. In this section, we calculate the area of surface of revolution. Two theorems are given for volumes and areas.


Basic Principle for the Surface Area

Case 1. Cylindrical surface


The lateral (侧) surface area of cylindrical surface is defined as

$$ \text{Lateral Surface Area:}\A=2\pi y \Delta x $$

Case 2. Frustum of a cone


The lateral surface area of a frustum of a cone is defined as

$$ \text{Lateral Surface Area:}\A = 2\pi y^* \Delta s \= \frac12(2\pi y_1 + 2\pi y_2)\Delta s $$


The frustum has the same surface area as that of a rectangle with side lengths $\Delta s$ and $2\pi y^*$.

Surface Area for Revolving the Graph of a function

Suppose $y = f(x)$ , $a\le x\le b$ is a non-negative continuous function. The surface sweeps out by revolving about the $x$-axis.

We partition the interval $[a,b]$ in the usual way. The partition subdivide the graph into short arcs.


A typical arc $PQ$ sweeps out a frustum of a cone. The surface area of the frustum is $2\pi y^* L$, where $y^*$ is the average height of the line segment joining $P$ and $Q$, and $L$ is the length of the arc.


$$ \text{Frustum surface area} \approx 2\pi \cdot \frac{f(x_{k-1}) + f(x_k)}{2}\cdot \sqrt{(\Delta x_k)^2 + (\Delta y_k)^2}\=\pi(f(x_{k-1}) + f(x_k))\sqrt{(\Delta x_k)^2 + (f(x_k)-f(x_{k-1}))^2} $$

If the function $f(x)$ is differentiable, then by the Mean Value Theorem, there is a point $c_k\in(x_{k-1},x_k)$ such that

$$ f(x_k) - f(x_{k-1}) = f'(c_k) \Delta x_k. $$

Then the area of surface of revolution is approximately

$$ \text{Surface area}\approx \sum_{k=1}^n \pi (f(x_{k-1}) + f(x_k)) \sqrt{1 + f'(c_k)^2}\Delta x_k\ = \sum_{k=1}^n 2\pi f(\xi_k) \sqrt{1+f'(c_k)^2}\Delta x_k. $$

This is not a Riemann sum. However, a theorem from advanced calculus assures as $||P||\to 0$, the sum converges to the integral

$$ \int_a^b 2\pi f(x) \sqrt{1+f'(x)^2}dx. $$

Definition. Surface Area for Revolution About the $x$-Axis

If the function $f(x)\ge 0$ is continuously differentiable on $[a,b]$, the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve $y=f(x)$ about the $x$-axis is

$$ S = \int_a^b 2\pi f(x) \sqrt{1+f'(x)^2}dx = \int_a^b 2\pi y \sqrt{1+y'(x)^2}dx. $$

Example 1. Applying the Surface Area Formula

Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve $y=2\sqrt{x}$, $1\le x \le 2,$ about the $x$-axis.


**Solution ($\frac{8\pi}{3}(3\sqrt3 - 2\sqrt2 )$)**

Revolution About the $y$-Axis

Definition. Surface Area for Revolution About the $y$-Axis

If the function $x = g(y)\ge 0$ is continuously differentiable on $[c,d]$, the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve $x=g(y)$ about the $y$-axis is

$$ S = \int_c^d 2\pi g(y) \sqrt{1+g'(y)^2}dy = \int_c^d 2\pi x \sqrt{1+x'(y)^2}dy. $$

Example 2. Revolution about the $y$-Axis

The line segment $x=1-y$, $0\le y\le 1$ is revolved about the $y$-axis to generate the cone. Find its lateral surface area.


Solution ($\sqrt2 \pi$)

Parametrized Curves

For general parametrized curve $x=f(t)$, $y=g(t)$, we could derive the surface area formula from the above formulae. Recall that $\sqrt{1+y'(x)^2 }dx = ds = \sqrt{f'(t)^2 + g'(t)^2}dt$. We could get the following formula.

Definition. Surface Area of Revolution for Parametrized Curve

If a smooth curve $x=f(t)$, $y=g(t)$, $a\le t\le b$, is traversed exactly once as $t$ increases from $a$ to $b$, then the areas of the surfaces generated by revolving the curve about the coordinate axes are as follows.

  1. Revolution about the $x$-axis ($y\ge 0$)

$$ S = \int_a^b 2\pi y(t) \sqrt{x'(t)^2+y'(t)^2}dt. $$

  1. Revolution about the $y$-axis ($x\ge 0$)

$$ S = \int_a^b 2\pi x(t)\sqrt{x'(t)^2 + y'(t)^2}dt. $$

Example 3. Applying Surface Area Formula

The standard parametrization of the circle of radius $1$ centered at the point $(0,1)$ in the $xy$-plane is

$$ x=\cos(t),\quad y=1+\sin(t),\quad 0\le t\le 2\pi. $$

Use this parametrization to find the area of the surface swept out by revolving the circle about the $x$-axis.

截屏2022-03-08 上午11.19.29.png

Solution ($4\pi^2$)

The Differential Form

Note that the differential of arc-length has appeared in the formula. Regardless of axis of revolution, the surface area has the form \

$$ S = \int 2\pi \text{(radius)}\text{(band width)} =\int 2\pi \rho, ds $$

In any particular problem, express the radius function $\rho$ and the arc-length differential $ds$ in terms of a common variable and supply limits of integration for that variable.


Example 4. Using the Differential Form for Surface Areas

Find the area of the surface generate by revolving the curve $y=x^3$, $0\le x\le 1/2$, about the $x$-axis.



Cylindrical Versus Conical Bands

Why not find the surface area by approximating with cylindrical bands instead of frustum? As we do so, we got a much simpler integral formula,

$$ S = \int_a^b 2\pi f(x)dx. $$

However, this formula is incorrect!



The Theorems of Pappus

In the third century, a Greek named Pappus discovered two formulas related with centroids to surfaces and solids of revolution. The formulas provide shortcuts to a number of otherwise length calculations.

Theorem 1. Pappus’s Theorem for Volumes

If a plane region is revolved once about a line in the plane that does not cut through the region’s interior, then the volume of the solid it generates is

$$ \text{Volume} = \text{(Region’s Area)}\times \text{(Distance traveled by the region’s centroid)}\ = 2\pi \rho , A. $$



Example 5. Volume of a Torus

The volume of the torus (doughnut) generated by revolving a circular disk of radius $a$ about an axis in its plane at a distance $b\ge a$ from its center is $V = 2\pi b (\pi a^2)$.



Example 6. Locate the Centroid of a Semicircular Region



Theorem 2. Pappus’s Theorem for Surface Areas

If an arc of a smooth plane curve is revolved once about a line in the plane that does not cut through the arc’s interior, then the area of the surface generated by the arc is

$$ \text{Area} = \text{(Length of the arc)}\times \text{(Distance traveled by the arc’s centroid)}\ = 2\pi \rho, L. $$



Example 7. Surface Area of a Torus

