I’m learning to make a coffee cup by using Blender.


Before we start, there is an annoying little thing for beginners: Starting a new file/scene in Blender. Blender seems to load the latest scene back, which is annoying. So I just use File > Load Factory Settings to load the default scene (with single box object in the scene) back. Then unfortunately all your customized setting will be gone. So you need to customize again, and choose File > Save User Settings. Next time if you want to start from scratch, just press command + N.

The first step to make a coffee cup is to create a cylinder in the scene (You may delete the default box object first). Then

  1. Change to Edit Mode

  2. Change to Wire Frame mode

  3. Delete the top-central vertex of cylinder

  4. Create a loopcut by press control + R

  5. Increase the number of loops by using +/-; mouse wheel or simply input how many loops you want; (I found page up/down also works, in Macbook Pro, just fn+up/ fn+down keys)

  6. Press B key to start I think it is “batch selection” mode, you can select top few vertices, and move them. Here we want to shrink/scale the top loop. Remember to scale something, you can press S and just input scale factor

  7. Scale the body and bottom of the cylinder to make it likes a cup.

Ok. I guess this is all for today’s Blender study. I’ll be continue tomorrow!…