W1s1 Volume by Slicing

W1-S1 Volumes by Slicing and Rotation About an Axis 周次: 1 日期: February 23, 2022 节次: 1 In this semester, we will be beginning with the applications of definite integrals. Today’s course is the contents in section 6.1 (Volumes by Slicing and Rotation About an Axis). Outline Review: Riemann sums & Definite Integral Definite integral is dealing with...

February 23, 2022

Cura Slice Software Tweaks

简介 在进行双喷头打印的时候,切片是重要一步。几年前,我的默认切片软件一直是 Cura,但是双头打印却有好几年没玩过了。最近,因为开发的原因重新...

February 16, 2022

Online FriCAS Notebooks (ft. Jupyter Notebook)

1. Remote Computation Service I selected Ubuntu Debian Linux (Debian 11, the latest Debian Linux supported by the AliYun). The reason for selecting Debian over Ubuntu is the support for FriCAS is only available on Ubuntu 21.4, but Ubuntu 21.4 is not supported by AliYun for now. Here’s the instruction to run jFriCAS on Ubuntu. I’ve changed to AliYun afterwards, he...

February 14, 2022



September 29, 2020

一道极限问题的证明使用了 Birkhoff 遍历定理?!

一道极限题 最近,在一个微信群里看到几个大佬在讨论一个极限题 $$ \lim_{t\to+\infty}\frac1t \int_0^t |\sin(x)\sin(\sqrt2 x)|dx $$ 感觉挺有意思,于是就多想了一下。 最初的想法当然是洛必达法则,但立刻发现...

September 15, 2020

Weierstrass 逼近定理的证明

为准备一个比赛,第一次较为细致地了解了一下 Weierstrass 逼近定理。本文将介绍一下该定理的内容,以及两种证明方法,其中一种是 Weierstrass 本人给出的,另一种也许是俄罗...

September 7, 2020