Title: This is my new blog Date: 2014-7-22 11:30:00 Tags: blog, life Status: public Tired of complex content irrelevant staffs. Change to markdown blogging. This is my first post after migrating from WordPress. This site is hosted by FarBox. I can even write math equations, like this ```mathjax \rho: \mathrm{SU}(2)\longrightarrow \mathrm{SO}(3) \quad\text{is a double covering.} ```
Title: Today’s pieces Date: 2013-01-29 23:28:06 [mathjax] Time was really limited! Especially when you were sitting in front of a computer. Today I was trying to read Prof. Zhou’s article Local Mirror Symmetry for One-Legged Topological Vertex |arXiv:0910.4320v2. However, after few minutes, I started to digress. I was unfamiliar with Quantum field theory. So I went to google it. What I had found was an article on Quantum field theory....
Title: Week 2 Date: 2014-01-11 08:00:34 Status: private 迎来了生日,本来是近期最愉快的一天,但是一封邮件又使心情降回了冰点。你说你累了,想和那个人在一起。其实我想说:在那一刻我动摇...
Title: Week14 新鲜事 Date: 2014-04-15 05:38:45 Status: private Tags: 2014 , life , 心情 这个系列没有坚持下来,好烦银。好吧,隔了这么久,我怎么知道是第几周呢?只要像这样: 或者 Excel 也可以,不过我不经...
Title: Week51本周新鲜事 Date: 2013-12-27 06:40:26 本周最大的喜讯莫过于发现 轻云 这个 APN 了,只要设置一下自动代理就可以科学上网,真是简单到家了!除此之外,还有一些值...
Title: Week52 本周新鲜事 Date: 2014-01-06 20:33:49 Tags: mathJAX , Ulysses , Wacom , 美剧 Week52 = Week1 买了 Ulysses III 天天美剧 #增加了人生的幸福指数 输入 mathJAX 公式,并用 marked 预览:例如 \[ x^2 \] 买了 Wacom Intuos Creative Pen,iPa...