Title: Fixie: bikes without brakes Date: 2012-12-02 15:26:13 Recently I found something that is really cool! It’s called fixed gear bike, or “死飞” in Chinese. Basically, it is just a bike but the rear wheel and gear are fixed. That’s the major point unlike an ordinary bike. Because of it, the crank would be always...
Title: KeyDown selection for NSTableView without subclassing it Date: 2013-04-10 23:38:42 Tags: Cocoa , Delegate , keyDown , NSTableView In [cciN_objc]NSTableView[/cciN_objc], when you move the highlighting by arrow key, you actually performed the row selections. Same as you left click the row by mouse. This feature is now so pleasing, because sometimes people may want to press enter to select that row, while in default, press enter will perform the editing of the row....
Title: Mac 配置指南 Date: 2014-8-4 17:47:00 Tags: Mac, Guide Status: public 今天看到一个 V2EX 上的贴子,发现这个 Mac 配置指南不错,适合刚买到 Mac 的童鞋借鉴,所以记下来:指南。 虽然这篇博客看来完全是...
Title: MacWorld Asia 展会参观记 Date: 2012-08-06 00:41:05 正巧碰上 MacWorld 的展会最近在国家会议中心召开,于是想去凑凑热闹! 周五上午从家坐了一站的公车,下车后走了两步就到了国家会议中心...
Title: Migration to my new rMBP Date: 2013-12-14 21:58:38 Since I got a refurbished rMBP, it is time to migrate everything in my old MBP to the new one. Here I recorded a few important or interesting things I had in my old laptop. This would remind me in the future system upgrade. Migrate iTunes and iPhoto libraries: The fastest and most reliable way is using an external disk to copy your libraries out...
Title: Moving to Emacs for OS X Modified Date: 2013-04-06 13:02:34 Tags: Cocoa , Color , Emacs , Highlighting , Modified , OSX , Theme As a 2 years' Carbon Emacs for Mac user, I believe the carbon version was the best among all the branches of Emacs for Mac OS. My criterion was very simple: good Chinese font renderin easy AucTeX setu behaves like a traditional Emac...