Title: Notable Things: irreducible repre for Abelian grp, build VPN by AWS Date: 2013-04-17 17:31:35 Tags: Abelian-group , Amazon , AWS , CATextLayer , Cloud , Cocoa , Irreducible-representation , LaTeX , Proof , VPN , WordPress Today I found several good posts. Let me note them down here: Every irreducible representation of Abelian group is one dimensional. http://shortfatboychalkboard.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/representation-abelian-groups-cyclic-groups/ 自己建立一个免费的vp...
Title: Notable Things: irreducible repre for Abelian grp, build VPN by AWS Date: 2013-04-17 17:31:35 Tags: Abelian-group , Amazon , AWS , CATextLayer , Cloud , Cocoa , Irreducible-representation , LaTeX , Proof , VPN , WordPress Today I found several good posts. Let me note them down here: Every irreducible representation of Abelian group is one dimensional. http://shortfatboychalkboard.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/representation-abelian-groups-cyclic-groups/ 自己建立一个免费的vp...
Title: NSPopover + Custom view inside Date: 2013-04-09 11:21:32 Today I would like to implement a [cciN_objc]NSPopover[/cciN_objc] view with a subclass of [cciN_objc]NSTableView[/cciN_objc] in it. Here is a solution of how to display [cciN_objc]NSPopover[/cciN_objc] programmatically from stackoverflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7858765/how-to-create-nspopover-programmatically , I’ll quote the code below: [cc_objc] NSViewController *controller = [[NSViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@“View” bundle:nil]; NSPopover *popover = [[NSPopover alloc] init]; [popover setContentSize:NSMakeSize(100.0f, 100.0f)]; [popover setContentViewController:controller]; [popover setAnimates:YES]; [popover showRelativeToRect:[sender bounds] ofView:sender preferredEdge:NSMaxXEdge];...
Title: 几个开发相关的资源 Date: 2013-05-01 21:37:32 今天在 V2ex.com 发现了一些有用的资源: XCode-themes: [https://github.com/tursunovic/xcode-themes](https://github.com/tursunovic/xcode-themes Letterpress - Lightweight blogging system: [http://wangling.me/2013/01/letterpress.html](http://wangling.me/2013/01/letterpress.html AppCode - An alternative IDE for obj-c dev: [http://www.jetbrains.com/objc/](http://www.jetbrains.com/objc/ Monospace font: Source Code Pro http://slant.co/topics/67/~what-are-the-best-programming-fonts 话说 FriCAS 的 Mac OSX binary 也可以直接下载了,终于不...
Title: W1-S1-Parametrized Curves Date: 2015-3-1 23:00 Tags: DifferentialGeometry, Examples, Curves Status: public 在 do Carmo 的书中有一些简单的参数曲线的例子,我们可以用 Mathematica 做出它的图像,以及切线的变化情况。 螺旋线 看似不可微,实则可微的曲...
Title: 败了Lunatik的表带和手写笔 Date: 2012-11-16 16:18:39 Lunatik的 手写笔 和 表带 原先都是在 kickstarter 上的项目. 目前,表带正打五折优惠,确实很诱人.最终还是经不起...