Title: Todays project: knot Date: 2012-11-10 16:38:55 Today I modeled a knot. Let’s see the final render image: [caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500”] A knot[/caption] The rough procedure is more Create a 2D path by using Extrude key “E Modify the 2D path to a 3D path, which will be the shape of a kno Create a circle with suitable diamete Apply the circle to the pat Set materia That’s it!:)...
Title: Kossel XL 构建记 (5) Kossel frame decision, design goals Date: 2014-7-28 15:40:00 Tags: 3dp, Kossel, DIY, MIY Status: public 今天学了个新词汇:MIY (make it yourself). 昨天因为出去吃饭没有记录。 其实,昨天完成了 Kossel 框架的修改,基于:Ja...
Title: Kossel XL 构建记 (10) Y carriage, steel ball assembly Date: 2014-8-4 16:15:00 Tags: 3dp, Kossel, DIY, MIY, OpenSCAD Status: public 昨天一晚上,终于把三颗滑块装配完毕,家里居然没有 M4x12 的螺丝了,于是用了 M4x14 的,要在滑轨背后看不 到的...
Title: Kossel XL 构建记 (12) Y shape carriage and accuracy etimate Date: 2014-8-7 16:48:00 Tags: 3dp, Kossel, DIY, Math Status: public 今天宅在家里,修改着 Y 型滑轨的方案。起先我总觉得设计一款可以调整同步带松紧度的,例如这 样: 但是...
Title: Kossel XL 构建记 (29) —- The GCode Magic II Date: 2014-9-25 9:35:00 Tag: 3dp, Kossel, Wiring, Stepper, Motor, GCode Status: public 抽时间把以前所有的设计组合在一起,画了 Kossel-XL 3DP 的组装完成图 以及分解图 感觉太有成就感了:)! 目前要...
Title: Kossel XL 构建记 (32) —- The Heatbed Problem Date: 2014-10-21 23:00:00 Tag: 3dp, Kossel, Marlin, Heatbed Status: public 最近一直没时间折腾打印机。不过,今天突然糊里糊涂的有了点空闲时间(但愿不要为今天的忙里偷闲付出代价...