Title: Blender Project (I) Date: 2012-11-06 16:32:08 Today I will officially initiate a new project: Using Blender to build 3D animation to visualize some awesome topological deformation processes. It is something I expect to do for a long time, and it is also planned in my educational reformation proposal. more There are some brand new video tutorials on YouTube. By far my fav are: Blender Tutorial Beginner: Coffee Cup 1 and 2....
Title: Blender Project (III) Date: 2012-11-08 18:19:35 Actually when I wrote this blog, I’m waiting for the result of rendering the coffee cup. I’ll try to memorize every detail and important things for making a 3D model by using blender.BTW: I can hear the CPU fan is speeding up for rendering, letting me getting a little bit warm. Oh, now it is slowing down. more In the last post, we...
Title: Today’s random log Date: 2012-11-19 13:13:56 [mathjax] 铁磁流体 [caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“952”]Ferrofluid( 铁磁流体, Picture from wikipedia)[/caption] 奇妙的是,这东西竟然在磁场下呈现出这样诡异的形状,考虑...
Title: Todays project: knot Date: 2012-11-10 16:38:55 Today I modeled a knot. Let’s see the final render image: [caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500”] A knot[/caption] The rough procedure is more Create a 2D path by using Extrude key “E Modify the 2D path to a 3D path, which will be the shape of a kno Create a circle with suitable diamete Apply the circle to the pat Set materia That’s it!:)...