有关 Markdown 编程的一些资源

也许我的程序中需要使用 markdown, 所以今天搜索了一些有关 markdown 解析的资源以备用: Stack Overflow 中的讨论一:[http://stackoverflow.com/que...

March 13, 2013 · tt4


为什么每次想编程的时候总是不能坚持编下去呢?好吧!我承认刚才本来想编程的,结果编不下去了… 今天我想说说 “戴维斯的街...

February 25, 2013 · tt4


[mathjax] 看了一眼今天的 wedget。真罕见,北京本周的天气居然和戴维斯当地的天气情况做了个置换。以往戴维斯都是晴空万里的,这次换北京了。 今天看到了...

January 22, 2013 · tt4

Community Dinner

Today I went out with my roommate to attend a community dinner held by a family in Davis. The host was a couple whose name was Woody and Susan. This was my second time being in a welcome dinner for visiting scholars and friends. The hosts were very friendly and talkative. And a friend whose name is Ann impressed me most! She looks like Asian and actually her parents are...

December 8, 2012 · tt4

Tekkaman Blade

Today I drew a sketch of Tekkaman Blade, which is one of my favorite Anime character for all time. The armor is simply elegant! I didn’t draw many details. I hope in future I could model it in Blender. [caption id=“attachment_446” align=“aligncenter” width=“600”] Tekkaman Blade Sketch[/caption] Today I was out for lunch with Dongtao. He is a Christian. I talked with him and one of his friend about NDE (near-death experiences)....

December 7, 2012 · tt4

Password and safety

These days I was thinking to change my websites' passwords. Because I’ll return to a country with no real freedom. Better passwords will protect me better. So I wants to try @goldengrape’s passwords generator. more Basically, it uses md5 to transfer a preset string to another, which is considered to be the password. It is nicely done. But I still have some suggestions: Don’t let users know the technical detail behind the scene, for the sake of safet...

December 5, 2012 · tt4