LCD 3d printer

今天看了这篇文章, 看来 LCD 3D 打印机的主要问题还是在光源上面。现有的 LCD 屏幕,有的甚至有防UV辐射层,会阻碍 UV 射线的通过。而且,灰度的 LCD 屏比彩色 LCD...

October 4, 2015 · tt4


趁着国庆假期,终于有时间把SS搞好了。自从上次qiang变高以后,就萌生了自己建站的念头。没有选择 Linode 的主机,因为树大招风嘛。选择了同样来自日...

October 3, 2015 · tt4


最近曲径服务经常出问题,给科学上网造成了极大的困难。所以不得不重新考虑以前听说过的一项神器:shadowsocks. 其原理可以参考这篇 写给非...

July 20, 2015 · tt4


人们总说我写的7字为啥中间还有一横?其实我是受大学时数分老师的影响。但是今天,我终于找到这样写的原因了:来自这条 推文 也就是说,我们现在的文字...

July 19, 2015 · tt4

The insufficient vertical holes

This is just a simple note. The reason for writing this is to remind me things I can put my hands on in the future, regarding 3d printing technique. One is curling, which is more or less common in printing both PLA and ABS, especially for small objects. There’s some article around. However, the physical process was unclear for me. So I’d like to save it for future investigation. Another issue bothers me recently was the insufficient vertical holes....

July 9, 2015 · tt4


今天某人加班了我又没有课,于是终于有了一整天的时间可以上上网充充电。看到了不少好文章,我来随(无)便(序)总结一下: Pocket NC 桌面级五轴数控机床 :...

July 8, 2015 · tt4